Ricevo in lista PPEU - Council Member e diffondo volentieri l’appello dei nostri Pirati olandesi.
Dear Pirates,
We are organizing a fully arranged sailing trip. We can take the ‘Antigua’ (https://www.tallship-company.nl/antigua/) from Harlingen (24 April 2020) to Bodø (5 May 2020) in Norway. As you know, this is where Arjen Kamphuis disappeared.
We would like as many Pirates from different countries as possible to come along and get to know each other.
The intention is to fill 16 huts. The huts can accommodate 2 people. The cheapest is 800 euro, the more expensive 990 euro, all-in. If you want to have a cabin for yourself, you can – in that case you pay 1200 euros for a standard cabin. The return trip can be made by plane – for the Dutch this will mean a flight from Bodø via Oslo to Amsterdam for 114 euros.
If we can’t get the boat full, the Tall Ship Company will start looking for passengers for the remaining cabins within 2 weeks. Of course we prefer a boat full of Pirates, so it would be nice if we could get all the applications before 1 October.
Ideas for a meaningful use of time during the trip are very much appreciated!
If you want to sign up, or have any questions, you can mail us at sailingtrip@piratenpartij.nl .
Make your payment to bank account NL77 RABO 0172 9291 05 in the name of Piratenpartij Webshop, with description ‘Sea Sail Trip’.
Sign up, even if you don’t have any money, sponsors have already presented themselves. Donations are welcome.
Henk Meijer & Sander Plas
Pirate Party Netherlands