@Cal grazie
Obiettivi etici si ottengono solo se si pianificano. Gli sviluppatori di Bitcoin hanno fatto una esperienza amara – hanno sviluppato una tecnologia che ora agisce senza il loro consenso… un po’ come i fisici che inventarono il nucleare…
… which is controlled by China
Ah sì?
The block chain is full.
someone flooded the network with transactions in an attempt to break things
Mi ricorda quando qualcuno nel 1990 ruppe il network originale IRC per costringere la separazione in un IRC libero ed un IRC autoritario. Attraverso interventi brutali è prevalso quello autoritario, si chiama EFnet.
Once upon a time, Bitcoin had the killer advantage of low and even zero fees, but it’s now common to be asked to pay more to miners than a credit card would charge.
Why has the capacity limit not been raised? Because the block chain is controlled by Chinese miners, just two of whom control more than 50% of the hash power. At a recent conference over 95% of hashing power was controlled by a handful of guys sitting on a single stage. The miners are not allowing the block chain to grow.
One of the most disturbing things that took place over the course of 2015 is that the flow of information to investors and users has dried up.
La trasparenza non si manifesta se dipende dalla buona volontà…
In the span of only about eight months, Bitcoin has gone from being a transparent and open community to one that is dominated by rampant censorship and attacks on bitcoiners by other bitcoiners.
Hanno fatto qualcosa di peggiore del fondare un partito…
“One of the great things about Bitcoin is its lack of democracy”
The problem, he said, is that as bitcoin transaction volume increases, larger companies will likely be the only ones running bitcoin nodes because of the inherent cost.
Sbaglio o dissi la stessa cosa qualche anno fa? Che per natura delle esigenze di scalabilità si sarebbe formata una “Wall Street” digitale…
And it leads to an obvious but crazy conclusion: if decentralisation is what makes Bitcoin good, and growth threatens decentralisation, then Bitcoin should not be allowed to grow.
Bene… allora stiamocene con dozzine di monete spin-off di Bitcoin e non usiamole mai per roba seria…
Instead, Maxwell concluded, Bitcoin should become a sort of settlement layer for some vaguely defined, as yet un-created non-blockchain based system.
Mi pare di essere d’accordo con Gregory.
“I was DDos’d. It was a massive DDoS that took down my entire (rural) ISP. Everyone in five towns lost their internet service for several hours last summer because of these criminals. It definitely discouraged me from hosting nodes.”
La guerra del IRC del 1990 si ripete in scala assai più grande…
Even if a new team was built to replace Bitcoin Core, the problem of mining power being concentrated behind the Great Firewall would remain. Bitcoin has no future whilst it’s controlled by fewer than 10 people. And there’s no solution in sight for this problem: nobody even has any suggestions. For a community that has always worried about the block chain being taken over by an oppressive government, it is a rich irony.