Nonostante la pervasiva sorveglianza, la NSA prevede di perdere il controllo sulle tecnologie in un prossimo futuro…

First, the government no longer possesses the lead in complex technology, at least in many areas relevant to national security. Arguably, the most powerful computing and sophisticated algorithm development now occurs not in the Pentagon or the N.S.A. but in university research labs and in the Googles and Amazons of the commercial world. (To be sure, the government still maintains its superiority in important areas ranging from nuclear energy to cryptography.) […]

Second, the private sector will have many more times the quantity of data about individuals and commercial activity than governments could ever obtain. The larger antivirus vendors, with their sensors connected to their global corporate clients, already know more at any given moment about the state of networks around the world than does any government agency. Businesses in the services, retailing, industrial and other sectors will have more global sensors and applications detecting cybertraffic, collecting behavioral patterns, amassing personal data and so on, than even the most surveillance-oriented nation could ever hope to have. […]

Snowden ci ha insegnato: ogni abuso che tecnicamente è possibile realizzare, sarà fatto. Intanto, tutti i cyber-pericoli elencati dalla NSA in questo op-ed potrebbero essere drammaticamente trattati con le misure ObCrypto, dato che guarda-un-po’ i nostri amici di GNUnet stanno già lavorando alla quantum-resistance delle comunicazioni… perciò 5G basato su GNUnet con legislazione ObCrypto sarebbe una figata da paura… ma così come è adesso significa abbandonare ulteriore controllo sulle nostre vite e libertà.

Notasi anche come l’autore della NSA non fa il più pallido riferimento al GDPR: dice che il settore privato avrà più dati sulla popolazione di qualsiasi governo (Cina inclusa, ndr), implicando che il GDPR è completamente inefficace

As if all this is not disconcerting enough, the fourth implication is that the internet can have a pernicious effect on our democracies, where adversaries can take advantage of our freedoms and interfere with our societal and government institutions. The painfully obvious fact is that the internet affords everyone a communications capability. In the absence of a commonly accepted authority — whether it be a trusted government or a curated news source — the internet permits lies and evil to be spread with almost no check. A world in which effective deception in almost every venue and media outlet is possible vastly complicates the duties of government and societal institutions. […] Governmental agencies with a national security mission are going to find it vastly more difficult to maintain the necessary trust, respect and support of a democratic populace in this environment — jeopardizing not only their ability to obtain resources from society but also in the end their very mission.

Indeed, the state of affairs of fundamental uncertainty and doubt that will be facilitated by the misuse of digital technology may well make it more difficult to maintain foreign alliances (which, after all, are based on trust) — precisely at a time, paradoxically, when global cooperation is required to counter malicious activity.

Cioè, la Rete rende più improbabile la collaborazione e la fiducia tra le nazioni a livello internazionale, proprio adesso che urge collaborazione internazionale in tutti i campi.