Usano i dati, e ci mostrano che è la fonte più sicura in quanto a morti da incidenti e inquinamento atmosferico.
Affrontano il problema dello storage del combustibile esausto, e lo confrontano con le morti dovute al Climate Change/Crisis.
E sulle rinnovabili:
Public support for renewable energy production is much stronger than for nuclear or fossil fuels. Why are we therefore concerned with the comparison between the latter two? Whilst the share of energy production from renewable technologies is slowly growing, 96 percent of global energy production is produced from fossil fuels, nuclear and traditional biomass sources. Our global transition to renewable energy systems will be a process which takes time—an extensive period during which we must make important choices on bridging sources of energy production. The safety of our energy sources should be an important consideration in designing the transitional pathways we want to take.
Per poi concludere in maniera deprimente: